Shipping can take anywhere between 10 - 65 days depending on shipping carrier, availability of item and destination. See the list below for general shipping estimates. Keep in mind for some products the shipping times may vary from item to item so be sure and check the product page before ordering to get a good idea of delivery time.
United States estimated delivery time is 10 - 35 days
United Kingdom estimated delivery time is 20 - 45 days
Netherlands estimated delivery time is 20 - 45 days
Hungary estimated delivery time is 20 - 40 days
Thailand estimated delivery time is 20 - 40 days
Australia estimated delivery time is 15 - 40 days
Greece estimated delivery time is 25 - 45 days
Ireland estimated delivery time is 25 - 46 days
New Zealand estimated delivery time is 17-45 days
France estimated delivery time is 20 - 40 days
Poland estimated delivery time is 25 - 60 days
Russian Federation estimated delivery time is 15 - 55 days
Spain estimated delivery time is 30 - 55 days
Mexico estimated delivery time is 30 - 65 days
Turkey estimated delivery time is 30 - 50 days
Czech Republic estimated delivery time is 25 - 50 days
Kyrgyzstan estimated delivery time is 35 - 65 days
Italy estimated delivery time is 30 - 65 days
Germany estimated delivery time is 26 - 60 days
Belgium estimated delivery time is 17 - 40 days
Luxembourg estimated delivery time is 18 - 40 days
Canada estimated delivery time is 30 - 60 days
Norway estimated delivery time is 20 - 40 days
Philippines estimated delivery time is 30 - 60 days
Israeli estimated delivery time is 25 - 55 days
Denmark estimated delivery time is 25 - 50 days
Finland estimated delivery time is 25 - 40 days
Ukraine estimated delivery time is 30 - 45 days
Switzerland estimated delivery time is 20 - 43 days
Sweden estimated delivery time is 20 - 43 days
To the countries not mentioned we will send you an email or we will send it
It takes 21 - 60 days
try to contact you through other means, to tell you the delivery time
Depending upon what is ordered sometimes you may receive multiple packages for a single order. The reason for this is because we use multiple fulfillment companies located in different regions in order to cut down on shipping and processing times.
When you're dealing with worldwide international shipping tracking numbers are not always available immediately after shipping so please allow for about 5 - 10 business days after your order has been processed at which time it will be automatically email to you.
Occasionally, orders do get delayed when entered the country. With inspections and customs packages can be stuck for up to 1 - 6 weeks with no updates to the tracking. This is fairly uncommon, but it does happen. If your order is stuck and hasn't moved for several days unfortunately there's nothing that can be done to get it moving again, besides simply waiting it out so I thank you ahead of time for your patience.
I Have listed the wrong shipping address by mistake! what can i do ?
Unfortunately, this is something beyond our control as we us an automated system that copy and pastes exactly what you list as your shipping address. With that, we can not accept any responsibility for customers listing incorrect information. In this situation I would advise you to contact your post office as soon as possible for guidance.
All customers are responsible for providing an accurate shipping address and monitoring their order(s) while in transit as important updates are often added to the tracking information. I.E. "Delivery failed - package is waiting at the local post office for the next XX days before it's returned to sender." is not responsible for unsuccessful deliveries to incorrect shipping address provided by the customer on the order page. is not responsible when customers fail to accept orders or fail to retrieve orders from the post office that are listed as "Unclaimed". With that, no refunds, credits or replacements will be issued in these situations.